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Professional Experience

I found my passion for being a counsellor when I worked as a volunteer counsellor for 2 years at 'Care for the Carers'. During this time, I gained invaluable experience working through many issues with carers and their loved ones, such as  anxiety, low mood, stress, illness and long-term health conditions particularly Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, and Cancer. 

Personal Experience

I have lived through cancer and have been personally touched by the emotional issues experienced surviving this disease. I also  deal with ongoing chronic pain. I have been a carer myself and have first-hand experience of the devastating and heart-breaking effects that Alzheimer's can have on the person suffering this disease and the emotional impact that it can have on the carer. It is a combination of these personal experiences which have carried me through to want to help and support others. 

How I can help

My goal as a counsellor is to offer you a safe space allowing you to be honest and accepting with your true feelings in your role as a carer. By providing the opportunity to talk freely, I can help you navigate your way through the varying emotions and turmoil life can bring.

Working with Carers

At times being a  carer for a loved one can be so challenging, extremely difficult and lonely and along the way, there can be grief and many losses for those around the sufferer.

As a trained counsellor who has also personally experienced both caring for a loved one with degenerative illness and my own battle with a life-threatening disease, I am able to fully empathise with those going through similar experiences while also being able to offer tools to help the emotional and mental stresses that go hand in hand with such challenging times in our lives.

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​© 2024 Janet Thorpe Counselling

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